The Right-Click or Context Menu offers fast and simple options for 3D viewing and validating models. It appears when selecting an element in the 3D view and right-clicking on it.
Context Menu consists of:
- "Isolate'' which isolates the selected element(s) from the model.
- "Hide'' which hides the element(s) from the view, and can be restored by clicking on ''Reset View'' from the 3D toolbar or right-click on anywhere in the 3D view and selecting "Show All''.
- ''Section'' which creates a section box over the selected element(s) in the view. The section box can be customized by selecting an arrow and dragging it in a particular direction.
- ''Show All'' which shows all the hidden element(s) in the view.
- ''Clash'' which runs a simple zero tolerance clash for fast checking.
- ''Properties'' which shows the information for the selected element(s) in a window on the right side of the screen.
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